Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Seychelles company information

Seychelles offers one of the most attractive total packages in the offshore world with its available non-resident tax free and tax resident low tax structures; growing network of tax treaties used for investment into other countries; low government fees; and international trade zone all created and supported by one of the most favorable legal and regulatory regimes in the offshore world.

Thursday, 3 June 2010


In simple terms, an International Business Company ('IBC', also known as 'Offshore' company) is a legal entity used as a tool, by corporations and individuals throughout the world, to direct profits out of high tax countries and into specific jurisdictions or international financial centres, thus taking advantage of their low or zero tax regimes and their Double Tax Treaties.  The beneficial ownership and business activities of an international ('Offshore') enterprise are usually outside the country of its registration.

The main reasons/benefits relating to the use of offshore legal entities are summarised below:

  1. In International Trade: By using offshore companies as part of international trading transactions (also known as ‘triangular trading’) it is possible to accumulate profits arising out of these transactions in a tax efficient manner.

  2. When Holding Portfolios of Stocks, Bonds, and Cash: Such assets held offshore may earn deposit interest tax free, be placed in money market funds, earn dividends tax free, and be sold with no capital gain taxes. We can create customised solutions

  3. To Utilise the Double Taxation Treaties between countries through Intermediary Holding Companies: Companies wishing to invest in countries where a Double Tax Treaty does not exist between their resident country and the one where the investment is going to take place in, can establish an intermediary company in a jurisdiction where there is a suitable treaty between that jurisdiction and the country of the investor’s residence thus taking advantage of reduced overall taxes on the profits generated from the investments.

  4. When Holding Investments in Subsidiary or Associated Companies: Capital gains arising from the disposal of particular investments may occur without OR with significantly reduced taxation. In the case of dividend payments, reduced levels of withholding taxes can be achieved through the use of a company incorporated in a zero or low tax jurisdiction that has a Double Tax Treaty in place with the contracting state.
  5. Privacy and Wealth Protection: High net worth individuals gain privacy and save on professional fees by using offshore companies as Personal Holding Companies. These entities may be suitable for inheritance planning while reducing both costs and time delays in probate.  Customised solutions are offered.

  6. Service Companies: Individuals who provide professional services, such as contractors, entertainers, consultants, film executives, etc. can realise considerable savings when fees earned are accumulated tax free in Personal Service Companies based offshore. Payments may also be structured to minimise income tax.
  7. Property and Land Ownership: Offshore entities are regularly utilised to own property and real estate for tax purposes and privacy.
  8. Employment Companies: Payroll costs and travel expenses may be reduced by paying employees working overseas from your offshore base. This may also provide tax relief and a social security savings benefit for the employees. 

  9. Financing: Offshore companies can be established to provide financing from abroad with a view of diminishing the overall tax effects.

  10. Ship Management & Yacht Ownership: Jurisdictions specialising in ship and pleasure craft registration provide low-cost registration fees and tax exemption income derived from shipping and chartering activities.  For example, Cyprus has one of the world’s largest ship company registration and administration roster.  Under Cyprus regulations, no income tax is payable on the profits earned or dividends paid by a Cyprus shipping company from ships registered under the Cyprus flag and operating in international waters (including chartering), or on the salaries of officers and crew of such ships.

  11. Patent, Royalty, & Copyright Holdings: Intellectual property including computer software, technical knowledge, patents, trademarks, and copyrights can be owned by, or assigned to, an offshore company upon acquisition of the rights. The rights can then be franchised to companies around the world and the resultant income can be accumulated offshore. A carefully selected jurisdiction can withhold taxes on royalty payments with the commercial application of Double Tax Treaties

  12. Stock Market Listings and Capital Raising Exercises: Many large corporations in economically and politically uncertain countries often diminish the perception of risk by moving ownership of assets and the base of their operations offshore.